Thursday, January 5, 2012

all by myself


Last nite im studying alone, coz today i have paper to go through (by the time i write this im done with the paper already).
Studying alone is not my option actually, but i don have any choice.
If aku tak paham apa yg aku study, aku takde sesape aku nak rujuk or bertanya pun
Ok, im staying at hostel, whereas most of my classmates stay outside, dorang menyewa rumah.
There're some of dem who stay here too, but kolej kitorang lain-lain
and we're bit far from each other.
Ask my hostelmates? ok, pernah tanya sorang ni, dia pernah amik subjek ni before, but i can sense that she reluctant to teach me. her excuse is dat she had forgotten wut she learn before.
See? how stingy they are.
and i guess thats why laa malay takbleh maju, sbb? sbb selfish sgt...

Aku pernah nak pergi kolej sebelah, sb nk ask my classmate la punya pasal.
Baru je mesej, dia reply "alaaa, akak pon tak reti sgt". padahal terer siot kot.
yang sorg lagi mmg aku takkan pernah tny, bkn tak berani sbb takut apa, tapi mmg tak berani sbb dia jenis KEDEKUT ILMU, takkan pernah ajar pun kalau tanya, buang karen je der. ok, she owez get high marks in class, alaa sebab dia rajin, but she neva neva tolong org lain
dia tak mengamalkan copy-copy mcm org lain
alaa budak skema..besele
bebudak lain? same. sume selfish
boys? haa ada sorg boy ni, so pandai jugak, but sangat kedekut okay
if i stand besides him  for test, and ask about the formula(math) je, bkn tanya jawapan pun, tp dia tak kasi tau langsung!

Ok, aku salah. sb last minute mcm ni tak pg jumpa lecturer
I realize dat mistake ok, time last minute camni
tapi nak wat cane, sesal pon tak guna

Sometimes i keep thinking to myself, why laa aku kena dapat classmate yg macamni?
why laa aku kena hidup dgn dorang *hidup laa sgt
class yg sebelum ni (which other place of study) kitorang saling membantu
copy doenst mean ure bad, we help each other, to gain good marks, yeah!
but however, all this difficulty actually sangat membantu
aku dpt bangun dgn sendiri, without others hand
im gonna be strong
but if im really put good effort on something tu, i can beat other tahu.hoho. tp dah yelaa aku ni pemalas sgt.:O *yawning

p/s:seek lecturer for help is the best solution. seriously.

1 cool people says:

Unknown said...

kedekut ilmu ler tu

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